Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Proposal: Community without Propinquity

Proposal & Aims:

'Community without Propinquity' is a form of public research lab and mini-exhibition to take place at the MKArt Gallery from 7 October - 4 December 2011. The title, a 1963 quote from urban planner Melvin Webber, suggests that future communities (specifically MK) would be formed through self directed, rational economic and social networks rather than proximity. This will act as a broad theme, to investigate the existence and formation of community for public activities.

1. Research Project

- This project is ongoing research-led project and the public programme is determined by the research. The first month will be spent on site, open to the public, building and displaying the archive, to plan the Public Programme and gather public histories. This will continue throughout.

- Archiving New Towns: researching and collating artwork made specifically about New Towns in an attempt to narrate, or propose a methodology for narrating an appropriate art history. The archive, and the video work will be on public display e.g. The Otolith Group, Dominique Gonzales Forester, Christian Jankowski and many more UK and international artists.

- Public Histories: working with the MKAG education team (video or audio recording) we will work with visitors to document their personal histories and experiences of MK, its unique art history. Stories gathered will provide direction for other activities.

2. Public Programme

- Film/Screenings: presenting art work made in/on Milton Keynes and other new towns. In discussion with the cinema next to the gallery to reach a broader audience.

- Symposium & Workshops: appropriate speakers (urbanists, philosophers, architects, writers) who deal with such themes

- Twinning/Networking: To actively network the other cities, through their art institutions

- Artists Projects: small scale commissioned works/performances in the public realm and project space.

- Publication/Newspaper/Zine: working with the artists and writers above, edited by Inheritance Project designed by Jon-Ross Le Haye distributed free at MKAG, other New Town institutions, beyond.

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